Wednesday, November 14, 2012

An Exercise in Developing a Habit

Goal: To Write at least 4 blog posts per week until Christmas

I've been thinking about the process of developing habits. Why do I set my alarm at 6:00 am to run 4 miles, but never make it out the door? Why is my room in a state of perpetual messiness? Why do I overeat so much?

For what it's worth, I am a master of uncertainty and continual self questioning. I'm not sure what I'd like to accomplish in my career, or even what my career should be. I don't know whether one should be feared or loved. I'm not sure what I should have for dinner tonight. I am fairly certain, however, that writing will be an essential part of whatever career I choose. As a result, I have made it my goal to strengthen my creative writing skills and write more consistently. Alas, I will write a blog entry at least 4 times a week until Christmas in the hopes that a habit will develop.

I really like the Brian Tracy article on developing new habits (linked below). My favorite point is this aspect:
Sixth, resolve to persist in the new behavior until it is so automatic and easy that you actually feel uncomfortable when you do not do what you have decided to do.

 I currently feel quite uncomfortable when I don't exercise. I need productivity, soreness, and endorphins to feel content at the end of the day. Hopfeully I will develop this level of commitment to writing.I hope that through this process I will learn the skills to developing productive habits in other facets of my life.

Quality article on habit forming:

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